Stabilizing selection of seasonal influenza receptor binding in populations with partial immunity

Technical specification and usage


This documentation is currently incomplete. All current users of the package should be able to use the package from the other vignettes and documentation. Specific use cases will be added as an when they are requested. Below are just some specific tips for issues/queries that users might run into.

##1. Basic usage It is easy to get the simulation running using the set of example parameters provided with the package.


## Example parameter values attached to the package:
## 1. flags (flags for simulation output saving)
## 2. hostpars - vector of parameters related to host population. See ?exampleParameters
## 3. viruspars - vector of parameters related to virus population. See ?exampleParameters
## 4. deltaVMat - matrix of gradients describing how binding avidity changes within a 
##    particular host in a single day. See ?calculate_deltaV_matrix

sim_duration <- 365 ## Duration of simulation in days
version <- 1
scenario_descriptions(1) ## Which version of the simulation to run (1-4)
output <- run_simulation(flags=flags, hostpars=hostpars, viruspars=viruspars, deltaVMat=deltaVMat,
sir <- read.table("SIR.csv",header=FALSE,sep=",")

2. Model scenarios

There are 4 different scenarios that can be run, specified by the scenario argument. By specifying the scenario from 1-4, the user can turn on or off particular mechanisms relating to binding avidity adaptation and antigenic drift. Descriptions can be found using the scenario_descriptions function:

  1. Random anigenic drift only. Binding avidity fixed. This is the “base” form of the model. Binding avidity is fixed at whatever value was set in the hostpars argument, specifically hostpars["iniBind"]. Note that this is the version to use with fixed antigenic distance by setting viruspars["probMut"] <- 0
  2. No drift; adaptive binding avidity; adaptive antigenic change. Binding avidity adaptation and antigenic change proportional to binding avidity change. This version of the model allows binding avidity of a particular virus to adapt to the host’s immune state. Antigenic distance does not change from random drift, but there is antigenic change proportional to the amount of binding avidity adaptation (viruspars["VtoD"]). The parameter viruspars["kc"] specifies how quickly binding avidity adapts, and the matrix produced by calculate_deltaV_matrix generates the amount of change different values of binding avidity and host immunity. See the bottom of the following vignette for more detail
  3. Random drift, binding avidity adaptation and antigenic change from binding avidity change. As above but antigenic drift occurs as in scenario 1 in addition to antigenic change as a byproduct of binding avidity adaptation. Make sure viruspars["probMut"] is above 0
  4. Random drift and binding avidity adaptation (no binding avidity related antigenic change). As above, but antigenic distance does not change with binding avidity adaptation, regardless of the the value for viruspars["VtoD"]

3. Input flags

The input flags can be confusing - it might not be quite clear what they each do. Descriptions of these are below, along with use cases for the host input flags. Please refer to ?exampleParameters to get an idea of what these flags look like.

  1. SIR_flag: If set to TRUE, then the SIR dynamics (ie. number of S, I and R at each time step) are saved to the file specified by output_files[1]. If using this, ensure that you have specified the output file location to avoid unexpected results.
  2. voutput_phylogenetic_flag: If set to TRUE, then properties of all of the simulation generated viruses are saved as a table. Refer to the summary of model output files. Again, make sure that the file location as specified by output_files[2] is correct
  3. voutput_pairwise_flag: If set to TRUE, saves a random sample of 1000 viruses to a matrix giving the antigenic distance between every pair of viruses. The output location for this is set with output_files[3]. Refer to the summary of model output files for more detail
  4. time_flag: If set to TRUE, records the actual run time of the simulation and prints this to the console upon completion.
  5. save_state: If set to TRUE, saves key properties of the host population to the file specified by output_files[4]. Refer to the summary of model output files for more detail
  6. input_flag_generated: If set to TRUE, generates a distribution of \(j\) values (referred to as \(k\) in the code) that is then used to generate a starting host population with some level of immunity. You must specify a vector of j values using the iniKs argument. This flag ultimately calls generateHotsKDist_2, which is shown below:
## Generate a uniform distribution of 1000 j values (referred to as $k$ in the code) from 0 to 9
iniKs <- floor(runif(1000,0, 10))

## How many individuals do we want in the new simulation?
N <- 10000

## From the same distribution of iniKs, draw N j values (referred to as $k$ in the code)
startingKs <- generateHostKDist_2(iniKs,N)

It is important to note that the function (and iniKs in run_simulation) expects a vector of values, not frequencies. The frequency distribution will be generated within the function. It’s unlikely that the user will be specifing iniKs manually - the intention is to use the hostK column of the hosts.csv output of a previous run, as described in the section 5 of the model output files. For example, using the “basic usage” example above:

hostK_file <- read.csv("hosts.csv")
iniKs <- hostK_file$hostK
flags["input_flag_generated"] <- TRUE
output <- run_simulation(flags=flags, 
                         hostpars=hostpars, viruspars=viruspars, deltaVMat=deltaVMat,
  1. input_flag_generated: If set to TRUE, generates a distribution of \(j\) values (referred to as \(k\) in the code) similar to the description above, but uses the specified input_files[1] argument to read in a file. This essentially does the same job, but bypasses the need for the user the read in the host file and extract the \(j\) values (referred to as \(k\) in the code). This flag asks the simulation to run the function generateHostKDist.
  2. save_k: If set to TRUE, saves the frequency distribution of \(j\) values (referred to as \(k\) in the code) at regular points in the simulation to the file location specified by output_files[5]. The frequency at which this distribution is saved is given by hostpars["saveFreq"]. Refer to the summary of model output files

4. UML diagram

UML diagram of the program

UML diagram of the program