Stabilizing selection of seasonal influenza receptor binding in populations with partial immunity

Summary of model outputs

1. Foreword

This vignette describes the potential output files of the driftSim package. When running the function run_simulation, there is an option to specify 5 output files. The contents of these, in the order that they are specified in the vector, are given below. Furthermore, any included functions that use these output files are also described.

## Basic example of producing these host files

sim_duration <- 365 ## Duration of simulation in days
version <- 4
flags <- as.logical(c(1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1))
scenario_descriptions(4) ## Which version of the simulation to run (1-4)
viruspars["kc"] <- 0.2
output <- run_simulation(flags=flags, 
                         output_files=c("SIR.csv","voutput_characteristics.csv","voutput_distances.csv","hosts.csv","hostKs.csv"),                                   VERBOSE=TRUE,scenario=4)

2. SIR dynamic outputs

sir <- read.table("SIR.csv",header=FALSE,sep=",")

3. Virus characteristics

  1. vid: the unique virus identifier
  2. birth: the time of birth in the simulation (ie. time of infection)
  3. death: the time of virus death (ie. time of recovery)
  4. parentid: the unique virus identifier of the parent
  5. bindingAvidityIni: the binding avidity at the time of initial infection
  6. bindingAvidityFinal: the binding avidity at the time of death
  7. infectionNo: if the infected host has had n infections previously, then this number is n+1. Note that this number is fixed at the time of infection
  8. distToParent: antigenic distance to the parent virus
  9. hostImmunity: the level of unmediated immunity of the host, \(k\) at the time of infection
  10. hostInfections: the number of infections that the host has had at the end of the simulation
  11. immJ: the effective immunity of the host against this virus at the time of infection
  12. distHost: the smallest antigenic distance between this virus and the viruses of the host’s infection history at the time of infection
  13. distRoot: the antigenic distance to the root virus at the end of the virus’s life
  14. changeFromV: the amount of antigenic change elicited as a byproduct of binding avidity adaptation over the virus’s entire life
  15. changeFromR: the amount of antigenic change elicited as from antigenic drift over the virus’s entire life
## Read in virus output data
tmp <- data.table::fread("voutput_characteristics.csv",data.table=TRUE)
dt <- data.table::data.table(tmp)

## Get mean and 95% CI of distance to root over time
means <- data.frame(dt[,list(mean=mean(distRoot)),by=birth])
lower <- data.frame(dt[,list(lower=quantile(distRoot,c(0.025))),by=birth])
upper <- data.frame(dt[,list(upper=quantile(distRoot,c(0.975))),by=birth])

## Also take a random virus that was extant at the
## end of the simulation, and use this to look at
## an example antigenic change profile
virus_data <- data.table::fread("voutput_characteristics.csv",data.table=FALSE)
## Note that extant viruses are given a death time of -1
samps <- virus_data[(virus_data$death == -1 & virus_data$birth > 0),]
i <- sample(nrow(samps),1)
startVid <- virus_data[virus_data$vid==samps[i,"vid"],"vid"]
index <- 1
nextVid <- 1

## Trace back through this virus lineage until we reach the
## root virus.
x <- y <- z <- NULL
while(nextVid != 0){
  nextVid <- virus_data[virus_data$vid==startVid,"parentid"]
  x[index] <- virus_data[virus_data$vid==startVid,"birth"]
  y[index] <- virus_data[virus_data$vid==startVid,"bindingAvidityFinal"]
  z[index] <- virus_data[virus_data$vid==startVid,"distRoot"]
  index <- index + 1
  startVid <- nextVid
dat <- data.frame(time = x, V=y ,delta=z )
dat1 <- dat[with(dat,order(time,delta)),]
dat1 <- dat1[dat1$time > 0,]

plot(means,type='l',lwd=1,col="blue", ylim=c(0,40),
     xlab="Time (days)",ylab="Average Antigenic Distance to Root",
     main="Mean and 95% CI of antigenic distances to root over time")

     xlab="Time (days)", ylab="Antigenic distance from root",
     main="Example antigenic distance over time of an extant lineage")

4. Pairwise antigenic distances of all viruses

voutput2 <- data.table::fread("voutput_distances.csv",data.table=FALSE)
## An uninformative plot, but just to show an example use

5. Host population characteristics

hostKDist <- generateHostKDist("hosts.csv",100000)

6. Host K distribution over time

hostKs <- read.table("hostKs.csv",sep=",")
day <- 25*hostpars["saveFreq"]

        main=paste0("Frequency of host j values at day ",day))